Starting this Friday, Excel's Art Class will be selling Chick-fil-A biscuits for $5.
These will be first come, first served.

The proceeds of this event will go toward the Senior Art Italy-Greece Trip.
Annual Fundraisers
Everyone spends money to provide for his or her family. Why not have part of that money come back to our school at NO expense to you?
Check below to see how:

Ingles – “Tools for Schools”
Shopping card must be reactivated each year. Complete form with school code (10043) and present at Customer Service desk or update online at www.ingles-markets.com.

Kroger – “Earning Plus Learning”
Present form with school’s bar code. They will scan code and your Kroger Plus Card. Your card will be programmed to credit your purchases for Excel each time you shop. Once this has been done, you may discard the form with the school’s bar code.

Publix – “Partners Program”
Cards are available from the school lobby if you do not already have one.

Staples Rewards​
Each time you make a purchase they should ask if you have a “rewards card”. If you do not have one, you can credit your purchase to Excel by giving them the school’s phone number, 770-382-9488. Excel receives shopping coupons for every $100 spent.​

Based upon the evening sales on our designated Spirit Night, Chick-fil-A will make a donation to Excel in supporting the Music & P.E. areas at ECA.

Land’s End – Uniform Purchases
A percentage of sales for Excel uniforms comes back to Excel to benefit our school.